Captive insurance is a type of self-funded plan that pools together multiple mid-size to larger employers so they can better control their healthcare spending.
In traditional, fully insured plans, premiums are often inflated by big carriers that put most of the financial burden onto the employers. Self-funded plans flip the narrative and give employers a chance to be more involved in their healthcare plans which leaves room for significant savings.
Self-funded plans transfer a little more risk and responsibility to the employers but allows them to retain all the savings. Although there is risk transference, there are safeguards in place to make sure companies aren’t 100% responsible for catastrophic claims. That’s where stop-loss insurance comes into play.
Stop-loss insurance is a safety net to protect employers against extraordinary claims costs when using a self-funded plan. There are two types of stop-loss insurance:
Specific Stop-Loss — Prevents any individual claimant from exceeding a specified amount and limits financial exposure on any one individual.
Aggregate Stop-Loss — Protects against a higher-than-average frequency of claims and caps financial liability for the whole group if total claims exceed an agreed-upon amount.
Insurance captives are a type of self-funded plan designed to bring together like-minded business owners who want to have more control over their healthcare spending. By pooling health insurance claims costs, companies can manage their collective spending while reducing traditional stop-loss premiums. The main goal of a captive is to control claim costs by combining with other like-minded employer groups.

Traditional, fully insured health plans have inflated premium costs, making the carrier profit margin larger and consequently increasing employers' healthcare costs.
Self-funded insurance is the best alternative for mid-size employers to gain access to top-tier Guided Healthcare and benefit programs historically only offered to Fortune 500 companies. If you’re looking for the next step in taking control of your health insurance costs and are a mid-sized or larger company then captives are the best vehicle to transition into self-funded programs.
Captives are for those who:
Have an employee population of at least 75 employees
Want increased control over healthcare costs
Desire health benefits tailored to meet employee needs
Seek access to increased coverage beyond what your organization could get on its own
Only want to pay premiums based on the needs of their members and not the marketplace
Are interested in adding customized healthcare options and programs to their plan
Enjoy the benefit of sharing ideas with other like-minded, and engaged employer groups
Apta Captives are unique compared to other programs on the market. Apta Health has a reputation for having exceptional customer experience, proven cost-savings, and leading innovators that are always questioning the status quo. When entering a captive, you want to know that your fellow participants are also highly committed to managing their healthcare spending. Joining a captive with other Apta Health clients helps to ensure that you accomplish that goal.
By grouping similar companies together, you can take control of your healthcare spending and hedge against higher stop-loss premiums. Rather than funding continued record-breaking profits for traditional insurance companies, you can put your own good experience to work for you. Apta only partners with proven captive industry leaders to guide companies through the process and employ reinsurance safeguards so your captive isn’t 100% responsible for catastrophic claims. Because Apta Health's self-funded programs outperform the market, our captive underwriter partners recognize the performance and deliver discount pricing to Apta Captive members.
Captives are a great way for mid-sized to larger companies to save on their health insurance costs. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, our team would love to speak to you, click here to schedule a time to meet with an Apta Health team member.